1. Is it possible to be removed from the grace of Christ to another gospel?
2. What makes it another gospel?
3. Is it our duty to persuade men to accept Gods will or to persuade God to accept men’s will?
4. If we seek to please men, are we servants of Christ?
5. Are we to study a spiritual matter to see what God says or to prove our current belief?
- 1. What is the person that tries to find their own way into the sheepfold?
2. How do we enter the church?
1. Who is the door into the Church?
2. What is the purpose of the person who tries to find their own way of being saved?
3. Why did Jesus come?
1. What is Jesus?
2. Can anyone come unto God except by Jesus?
- 1. What causes us to keep the commandments of God?
2. If we don’t keep the commandments of God, do we love him?
- 1. How do we know that we love the children of God?
2. What is the love of God?
3. Can we separate love and obedience?
4. Are the commandments of God grievous?
- 1. What is the commandment of God here?
2. Do we love God if we don’t keep this commandment?
3. Does God consider baptism important?
A. MARK 16:16
- 1. What is needed in order to be saved?
2. What comes before baptism?
3. Does baptism do any good if one does not believe?
- 1. What comes before baptism here?
2. What does the Bible here say that baptism accomplishes?
3. Can one be saved before their sins are forgiven?
4. Is baptism the point at where salvation begins, then?
- 1. Does preaching Jesus include preaching about baptism?
2. Is water necessary for baptism?
3. Was a confession necessary before baptism?
4. What was the confession made?
5. How much water is necessary for baptism?
- 1. How many Lords are there?
2. How many faiths are there?
3. How many baptisms are there?
4. How many different baptisms does God recognize today?
A. MATTHEW 28:18-20
- 1. Who has all Power?
2. Does He have the power to tell us what to do?
3. What did he command to do?
4. In whose name was this baptism to be?
5. How long will this baptism last?
- 1. Can one enter the Kingdom of Heaven before they are born of the water and of the spirit?
2. Is baptism necessary to enter the church?
3. Are we to question baptism or other spiritual acts?
4. Can the physical man understand baptism which is spiritual without the aid of the Bible?
- 1. What saves us?
2. Does the washing away of dirt save us?
3. Does baptism save us by the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ?
4. If a person has a good conscience before God, what will they do?
- 1. Are all spiritual blessings found in Jesus Christ?
2. Does any spiritual blessings exist out of Jesus Christ?
3. Is prayer a spiritual blessing?
4. Is salvation a spiritual blessing?
5. Is being Christian a spiritual blessing?
6. Can any of these blessings be found outside of Jesus Christ?
- 1. What puts us into Christ?
2. Are there any spiritual gifts before baptism?
3. When do we put on Christ?
4. Does a person have the right to pray to God before being baptized?
5. Can a person be saved before being baptized?
6. Can a person be a Christian before being baptized?
- 1.Where does baptism put us?
2. How do we come into contact with Christ’s death?
3. Did Christ shed his blood in his death on the cross?
4. Where do we come into contact with Christ’s blood?
5. Is baptism compared to a burial?
6. To be buried, does one have to be completely covered?
7. Can we be in the likeness of Christ’s resurrection if we haven’t been in the likeness of his death?
1. What did those do who believed in Jesus?
2. Did those who weren’t baptized believe?
I. ACTS 2:41
- 1. What did those people do who gladly received the word?
2. Did those who weren’t baptized gladly receive the word?
3. How many gladly received the word?
- 1. Do we join a church or does the Lord add us to his church?
2. If baptism is where you are saved, who did the Lord add to the Church?
- 1. What was the purpose of John’s baptism?
2. Was John’s baptism adequate?
3. Is any baptism that is not for the remission of sins, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost adequate?
- 1. Are we to tarry when we realize that we need baptism?
2. What does baptism do to sins?
1. We are to see what the Bible teaches on the subject of Baptism. (Galatians 1:6-10)
2. If we do not accept what the Bible says, we are to be accursed. (Galatians 1:8)
3. We cannot understand spiritual acts without the aid of the Bible. (John 3:5-7)
4. Jesus is the door into the sheepfold, the church. (John 10:9)
5. The person who tries to find their own way into the church is a thief and a robber. (John 10:1-6)
6. Love for God causes us to keep His commandments. (John 14:15)
7. Love for God and obedience to God are inseparable. (1 John 5:2-3)
8. Being baptized is a command from God. (Acts 10:48)
9. If we do not obey this command, we do not love God. (I John 5:2-3)
10. Belief and Baptism bring about salvation. (Mark 16:16 Acts 2:37-38)
11. Belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God is necessary before baptism.
(Acts 8:35-38)
12. Repentance must take place before one can be baptized. (Acts 2:38)
13. Baptism is for the remission (forgiveness) of sins. (Acts 2:38)
14. Preaching Jesus includes preaching about baptism. (Acts 8:35-38)
15. Being baptized requires enough water for two to go down into it, and for one to be completely immersed. (Acts 8:38)
16. A confession that one believes that Jesus Christ is the son of God is necessary before baptism. (Acts 8:37)
17. There is only one baptism in effect today. (Ephesians 4:5)
18. Baptism is done in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost and will last till the end of the world. (Matthew 28:18-20)
19. Baptism is necessary to enter kingdom of God, the church. (John 3:5-7)
20. Baptism saves us through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
(Romans 6:3-5; 1 Peter 3:21)
21. All spiritual blessings such as salvation, prayer, and being a Christian are found in Christ. (Ephesians 1:3)
22. Baptism is what puts us into Christ. (Galatians 3:26-27)
23. There are no spiritual blessings before baptism.
(Ephesians 1:3; Galatians 3:26-27)
24. Baptism is where we come in contact with the death of Jesus. (Romans 6:3-5)
25. Baptism is a burial. (Romans 6:3-5)
26. We cannot be in the likeness of Christ’s resurrection, if we have not been planted in the watery grave of baptism. (Romans 6:5)
27. Those who are not baptized because they did not believe will not be saved. (Acts 8:12)
28. When we find out we need to be baptized, we are not to wait.
(Acts 22:16 2:41; 8:36-38; 16:33
If you have any comments or questions --- or would like the location and contact names of a congregation of the church belonging to Jesus Christ near you, please e-mail me at BibleTruthsToU@Gmail.com or call 253-396-0290. Thanks Dennis Crawford, editor. )
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